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CO2 Repair & Maintenance Batam

CO2 Repair & Maintenance Batam


Ellco Citratama Proteksindo

When a system requires service, we realize that quick response is critical.
Our team of engineers and technicians can equip your facility with the required alarm and detection equipment
ECP’s team of trained technicians can regularly test, inspect, service and repair your fire protection system to assure optimum system performance.
inspection and maintenance can help save lives and property.

The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) mandates that all fire alarm systems in protected premises be tested regularly.
ECP’s team of trained technicians can regularly test, inspect, service and repair your fire alarm system to assure optimum system performance.
Inspection Procedures:
  • Check the fire alarm panel to ensure alarm initiating devices are functioning properly at the time of inspection
  • Verify alarm indicating devise is functioning properly at the time of inspection
  • Verify supervisory signal initiating devices is functioning properly at the time of inspection
  • Verify system power supplies, including battery backups, are sufficient at the time of inspection
  • Load testing of batteries
  • Clean detectors with compressed air
  • Testing, Inspection and Monitoring Devices
  • Test functionality of detectors with test smoke
  • Check every known pull station for accessibility
  • Verify points being monitored are correct at the time of inspection (if the facility has a remote annunciator)
  • Verify signal reached the monitoring company’s office (if the system is monitored)
  • Sensitivity Testing
every other year your smoke detection device must have a sensitivity test in addition to the functional test. ECP can perform this test